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Chronic Care Plus +
Dedicated to Providing the Best Support for Patient Care
Chronic Care Plus offers a suite of services for patients with chronic diseases. Our team of specialized nurses provide comprehensive care management for qualified Medicare recipients. Chronic Care Plus is the outsource solution that will drive significant patient and financial outcomes.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes Chronic Care Management (CCM) as a critical part of primary care that contributes to better health and care for individuals.
Chronic Care Plus + partners with health care providers to provide a more cost effective and efficient care program for their patients
Individual Practitioners and Primary Care Physician Groups
Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics and Community Clinics
Reduced hospital/ED admissions
Improved patient health awareness
Increased services reimbursements
Improved patient satisfaction/outcomes
Reduced patient healthcare costs
Chronic Care Plus + provides these medically supervised services to the patient at home:
CCM Service
Chronic Care Management
Complex CCM
Complex Chronic Care Management
RPM Service
Remote Patient Monitoring
Contact Us: (803) 832-2553
Emergency Service 24/7
Chronic Care Plus + provides these medically supervised services to the patient at home:
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